united thank offering

Daily Meditations and an Invitation for Lent

Last summer, I decided to change my morning meditations to include a Bible reading; one chapter of some other spiritual work; prayer, often contemplative; and thanksgivings accompanied by dropping coins or bills in my UTO Blue Box. I read only one chapter of one book of the Bible each day, The Message version, and on my Kindle. Then, I read only one chapter of my spiritual book each day, as well. My goal is to slow down and allow myself to think about what I am reading. I’m up to Deuteronomy 19, and hearing about Moses in the recent Sunday readings feels so familiar.

Reading only one chapter a day allows more time to think about what the reading says. Sometimes, I will reread the previous day’s chapter, or I might read the chapter for the day twice. By changing things up, scripture has become more interesting and memorable. I am grateful to see things I have missed before.

It’s going to take a really long time to get through the Bible, but I don’t mind. I’m grateful to have found an approach that teaches me that less can be more.

My other books have come from a variety of sources, including the Church Teaching Series, and right now it is The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World in which the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu share their teachings with Douglas Abrams and with us.

If you would like a way to start reading the Bible, I want to invite you to join us for the Good Book Club this Lent and Easter. UTO has created a free, downloadable booklet to guide you each week through reading the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, along with a meditation, questions for reflection or group discussion, and space for a gratitude journal. You can download yours here: (link to the booklet), or find other Good Book Club resources from around the Church here: goodbookclub.org.