united thank offering

Countdown to Transmitting Ingathering Offerings to UTO

By Kathy Mank, United Thank Offering Board Financial Secretary

Only 65 days until Christmas! My neighbor across the street decorates their house with a Snoopy countdown clock which is prominently displayed. By opening my front door in the month of December, I know exactly how many days, hours and minutes are left until Christmas Day. In our UTO world of FAQs, the question of deadlines for submitting year-end Ingathering offerings is in the top five behind grant process questions.  

Here is a chart with deadlines, address, and a live online link:

Notice, GiveMakeBless
  Ingathering Donations by Mail  Mail Checks by:
Dec. 1, 2021
The United Thank Offering
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church
PO Box 958983
St. Louis MO 63195-8983
 Ingathering Donations Online Initiate Transaction by:
Dec. 15, 2021
 Link from the UTO Blog:
Give – United Thank Offering
 Notice, Give Make Bless

The UTO is supported by the offices of the Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, also known as The Episcopal Church.  The offices close in mid-December for Christmas break.  UTO deadlines are driven by the mid-December close.  We are extremely grateful for the financial, communications and staff support from The Episcopal Church that makes our ministry possible.  

Thank you for your year-end gifts and your Christmas gifts to UTO.  They are an investment in gratitude manifested in grants to innovative and transformational ministries in the church. Communities throughout the Anglican Communion are blessed by your generosity for the long term.