united thank offering

Convention Help Needed!

During General Convention, we need volunteers for a variety of things, so we hope you can find time to help! UTO has increased the events we’re offering at this Convention in the hopes of getting the message out about gratitude to as many people as possible, which means we will be a little shorthanded at times. Below are the events we need assistance with, and we would love to have UTO members sign up to help!

  1. Blue Box Collection: Each day of the Convention, we will have UTO Blue Boxes on the tables in the meeting rooms for the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. On Saturday, we also will have boxes in the Triennial meeting. We need volunteers to help collect the boxes at the end of the day and drop them off at the Finance Office before it closes for the night. You do not need to count money, just dump the boxes in a bag and drop the bags off. We’ll have Board members assigned to each team to help guide you. Sign up to do Blue Box collection here.
  2. Bags of Grace: Each day during Convention, the UTO Booth will be “taken over” by a recent UTO grant site. On Saturday, July 7, we’ll host Missional Voices, with whom we’ve partnered this past year for our Julia Chester Emery Internship. Missional Voices is an annual gathering for conversations about innovative mission and ministry. Missional Voices is doing a really innovative giveaway at the UTO Booth, called Bags of Grace. People will be invited to come to the UTO Booth and pick up a Bag of Grace, which is a kit of needed items for individuals living on the streets. Those who take a Bag of Grace will be encouraged to take the bag’s items out onto the streets of Austin as they head to the revival and give them to people they meet along the way and talk with them, and then to come back the next day and tell us about the experience. UTO is donating the bags, and Shima of Navajoland is donating soap. We would love your help with other items to fill the bags. Our intern, Katelyn, has created an Amazon Wish List, so you can purchase and send items to the gift registry address (it says Alan in case you want to double-check), helping fill the bags with gratitude, joy, and love. Here is the link: http://a.co/9kwZuF8to participate. If you’d like to help but can’t afford to donate, feel free to write a note to include in the bag. You can send notes until June 30 to Missional Voices, 13322 Misty Mill Dr. Houston, TX 77041-5500