Congratulations, Sandra Squires!

At the 150th Annual Council for the Diocese of Nebraska held last month in North Platte, our UTO Board President Sandra Squires was honored with the Bishop’s Cross. You can read the full text of the announcement here. It is a lovely tribute to all of the care, love, and dedication that Sandra pours out into her community and the church and upon all of us who know her. We particularly like the last part:

Our recipient is Sandra Squires, who fills her free time with gathering others into community and fellowship.

Our recipient is Sandra Squires, who made the work of her career the needs of those our world would rather not slow down long enough to consider.

Our recipient is Sandra Squires, who has given her time, talent, and being to a generation of young people who have grown up in this diocese.

Our recipient is Sandra Squires, who has over and over again taken up the responsibility of positions in our diocese, province, and national church in order to move us closer to God’s coming Kingdom.

We wholeheartedly agree with all of the wonderful things that were said about Sandra, and we want to add our own congratulations and thanks for her love, dedication, and laughter. We are grateful to Sandra because she not only believes that every person is doing his or her best, but because she brings out the best in people. Sandra is a witness to the power of prayer, gratitude, and lifelong learning. We are grateful for all of the work that Sandra has done (and will continue to do) with UTO, and for the love that she has poured out upon this ministry, our Board, our staff, and our families. We too give thanks for all of the ways and all of the times that Sandra has said yes to the call of ministry in the Church. Congratulations, Sandra, and thank you to the Diocese of Nebraska for honoring and celebrating Sandra with the Bishop’s Cross!