united thank offering

2021 UTO Scholars Conference Call for Proposals

United Thank Offering, along with the Diocese of Massachusetts and the Cathedral of Saint Paul, will host the second annual Theology of Gratitude Conference on October 15-17, 2021. 

We seek to bring together scholars from a variety of fields to foster interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or multidisciplinary research on Theology of Gratitude. Proposals and papers exploring connections that have not been widely discussed in contemporary scholarship are especially welcome. Accepted papers will be collated into an edited volume. 

We invite scholars to submit a 1,000 to 1,500-word proposal of how they will engage in exploring expressions of gratitude while living in our current complex world. Proposals should be prepared for anonymous review and sent by June 1, 2021, at this webpage.

The conference will be a hybrid event; however, this may change as needed given the ongoing pandemic and vaccine distribution process.  

Deadlines and additional details as they become available can be found on the Conference website.