united thank offering

2020 Grant Process Updates

Special Webinar on the Definition of the 2020 Focus
Many of you have expressed some concern about how to understand the definition of evangelism for the 2020 UTO Grant application process, so we want to give you a chance to ask your questions about evangelism! Please join us on Monday, December 9, at either noon or 8 p.m. Eastern time at https://zoom.us/my/utomtgs to listen to Jerusalem Greer, Staff Officer for Evangelism on the Presiding Bishop’s Staff, and ask her your questions about the project you are hoping to apply for funding from UTO to support. You do not need to RSVP for this webinar; simply log in at the time that works for you. We highly recommend joining this webinar if you have questions as to whether or not your project falls within this year’s focus of evangelism. If you can’t make the webinar, we strongly recommend that you visit the Church’s Evangelism website at https://episcopalchurch.org/evangelism-initiatives for more information.

Submission Website
You may have noticed that the current UTO Grant application materials do not list the website for submitting your grant applications. The Episcopal Church IT department is working on a new portal for all Episcopal Church grant applications, which we hope will be ready in January. Whether that website is ready or not, we will explain the process for submitting UTO Grant applications in the January E-Newsletter, which will come out January 9. We will also update the grant application webpage with this information. Thank you for your patience while we continue to work with IT to develop a more streamlined approach to applying for funding from The Episcopal Church.