2020 Annual Report
By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

The 2020 UTO Annual Report is now available for download. The year 2020 was a year like no other, and while we are sad to share that the Ingathering is down in 2020, we are so very proud of all the COVID-19 relief projects the Ingathering has funded and will fund. This annual report is full of wonderful stories of the work UTO members have done in the midst of the pandemic, of the ways UTO has and does support the work of racial justice, and the goals we’ve set for ourselves for the next year. Thank you to each diocese that increased giving in 2020, to each person who donated to the Memorial Trust Fund, and to every member of UTO whose practice of gratitude informed your journey this past year and who shared that story with us. We hope you enjoy the annual report and that it will serve as a touchstone for future generations on how practicing gratitude can help us in dark and difficult times.