united thank offering

2018 Ingathering Report and Data Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the 2018 Ingathering results are now available. Thanks to your help, our total available to award in grants for 2019 is $1,535,740.55. In 2018, giving to UTO increased by just more than $15,000. We give thanks for the 53 dioceses who increased giving in 2018. Thank you to everyone who marked the daily blessings of their lives with their UTO Blue Box so that many wonderful missions and ministries will be empowered to do new things in 2019 as your blessings go on to bless so many others. For a full breakdown of information regarding the Ingathering, please see the annual report and the Ingathering page at www.unitedthankoffering.org. If you are a diocesan UTO coordinator or diocesan staff person and have questions about the Ingathering Report or would like a list of the direct donors, please be in touch with Michelle at miwalker@episcopalchurch.org.

Thank you for all the ways you support UTO!

Categories: UTO ingathering