2018 Grant Site Update: Jasmine Road

We are pleased to report that the Jasmine Road ministry so generously funded by the United Thank Offering of The Episcopal Church has launched in the Greenville, South Carolina area. Five women survivors of sexual exploitation and drug addiction were carefully screened by Jasmine Road staff and have moved into the first Jasmine Road Residence where they will live rent-free for two years. They will receive drug and alcohol counseling and trauma-informed therapy, as well as medical, dental, and mental health services; financial literacy; vocational training; and a lifetime network of support.


The goals of the startup phase, funded by UTO, were to develop the materials, staffing, collaborative partnerships, internet presence, and housing arrangements necessary to kick-start the program in the Greenville community. As such, the grant funds from UTO have been expended for these purposes: 1) hiring staff to perform startup activities, 2) acquiring computers for the staff, and 3) developing the website. Also, please visit www.jasmineroad.org for a view of the website itself.

Recently hired staff worked tirelessly on the Startup Checklist. Though we originally anticipated that many of these tasks would be performed by the program manager, a good many were actually completed by the executive director and the residence manager. Moreover, a few of the program details, including house rules, were created collaboratively in focus groups with incoming residents.

During this startup period, several important partnerships were also developed, including with healthcare partner Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Project Host, Favor (Faces and Voices of Recovery) Greenville, and The Julie Valentine Center. The board and staff of Jasmine Road completed the renovations on the house with funding from Christ Church Episcopal, Greenville, and from these foundations: F.W. Symmes, John I. Smith, Dabo’s All In Team, W. W. Burgiss, and Daniel Mickel, among many others.

Throughout it all, we have found that the Greenville community has truly embraced this project, going beyond the basic needs of the home by generously creating artwork, painting, making custom furniture and built-ins, and donating numerous household items to provide a place of beauty and respite for our residents. We believe residing in this therapeutic environment will aid in their recovery.

We would not have been able to begin this ministry, bearing witness to Christ’s love in the world, without the United Thank Offering of The Episcopal Church. We, along with our partners Christ Church and Triune Mercy Center, are so very grateful that you chose to work with us on this project and hope that you will continue to stay informed about Jasmine Road’s progress.