
Presiding Bishop preaches at House of Bishops Eucharist: “We’re here, brothe...

March 26, 2011
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop releases budget proposal for General Convention review

June 21, 2012
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop renews Episcopal Church commitment to refugees and urges reform...

March 17, 2010
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop restores David Bane to ordained ministry

April 28, 2015
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop to visit Diocese of Central Florida

February 21, 2013
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop to visit Haiti on earthquake anniversary

January 9, 2013
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop writes to presidential candidates

October 12, 2012
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop writes to Secretary Clinton on Palestinian evictions

August 5, 2009
posted by Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop, Albany Diocese, Episcopal Church welcome back Bishop Daniel He...

April 30, 2010
posted by Office of Public Affairs
2753 records