New Episcopal Communities

Molting as spiritual practice for all of us

August 2, 2013
Scott Rands

It was right in the middle of the busy-ness of the Episcopal Church’s 77th General Convention that Robbin Brent Whittington came to me and asked for an interview. (Robbin is the Curator at the Center for Spiritual Resources, hosted from Asheville NC.) She asked me, “What are you observing here at the world’s second largest legislative gathering, Tom?” She also asked, “What gives you hope from these proceedings?”

I thought for a minute before I realized that most of my own hopefulness comes from interacting with the thoughtful leaders and innovators that I am privileged to serve. As they lend and borrow the courage to co-create sustainable ways of being with each other, I am sustained, as well. A key piece of that work is the practice of casting off the old ways, the old structures and even the old “shells” that once defined us but no longer serve us. It’s that piece of work that this video describes, in brief. The video briefly explores the way that we control termite colonies using a hormone that inhibits molting.

I am especially grateful to Robbin’s thoughtfulness in sponsoring this moment of reflection and for her Presence in my life. If these practices are of interest to you, please leave a comment and join the conversation I hope to sponsor here. Also, check out the incredible resources that Robbin is offering via the Portal at the Center for Spiritual Resources!