Take Action to Support the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

The Episcopal Church has long opposed drilling in the Refuge not only because of our concern for and stewardship of God’s creation, but also because of our commitment to standing with the Gwich’in Nation, the indigenous people who live in the Arctic who are mostly Episcopalians. The Gwich’in depend for their daily sustenance upon the Porcupine caribou herd, whose birthing patterns would be disrupted by oil exploration in the Refuge, ultimately threatening the survival of both the caribou and the Gwich’in Nation.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a national treasure that stands alone in its wildness, ecological integrity, beauty, and unique recreational opportunities. As an Episcopalian, you have a powerful voice in the effort to protect this incomparable landscape for future generations to enjoy.

In 2015, Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced legislation (HR 239 and S 2341) that would designate 1.5 million acres of wilderness along the coastal plain of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System.  Such a designation would protect the Refuge against oil and gas development, preserving its pristine, fragile ecosystem from the roads, pipelines, and oil derricks that accompany such exploration.

Take action today to protect the Arctic Refuge!

  • Sign the Faith Petition for the strongest possible protection for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Go to http://www.faithforthearctic.org/ to add your name. This petition will be shared with the President and members of Congress!

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