Safe Church

Safe Church

The obligation to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being is binding for all the baptized. The authority with which leaders—ordained persons, adults who minister with minors (children and youth), youth in leadership roles, and adults who minister with vulnerable humans—are entrusted creates an inherent power imbalance in the relationship. This power imbalance derives from the leadership role and, in the case of clergy, the symbolic authority of an ordained person. Christian leadership is intended to provide occasions for guidance and grace, and its abuse is always and unequivocally wrong. 

The Episcopal Church updated the Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth and added a Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults in 2017. A General Convention task force was empowered to create updated training materials to help us live up to and live into our responsibilities to foster appropriate relationships, and to know how to recognize and respond to power imbalances. Safe Church, Safe Communities courses were launched in 2021 on the Praesidium Academy online learning platform. Currently there are eight courses, in English and Spanish, comprising the Safe Church, Safe Communities series that can be accessed by learners through your local parish or diocesan learning portal.

Please check with your diocese or organization to discover how they have adopted and adapted the new model policies and to learn your local protocols for training, responding, and reporting.

Latest Safe Church News

  • Website
    The Safe Church Office, in partnership with the Office of Communication, launched new webpages for information and resources at just before the 81st General Convention convened in Kentucky in June. Following is a quick summary of what you can find at each of the menu items on the left side of the landing page: We actively… Read more: Website
  • Español
    A principios de mayo impartimos una formación inicial para formadores/administradores diocesanos en cinco de nuestras siete diócesis de habla hispana. Se está ofreciendo otra formación a los líderes de esas siete diócesis que asistan a la Conferencia Episcopal de Administración de Empresas este otoño. Para continuar apoyando no sólo a nuestras diócesis de habla hispana,… Read more: Español
  • Background Checks
    The Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth and the Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults both include requirements for public screening, or background checks, for many employees and volunteers. There are many ways to accomplish these checks at a variety of prices. Praesidium Inc., with whom Church Pension Group contracts… Read more: Background Checks
  • Safe Church at GC81
    Hundreds of friends and allies stopped by the Safe Church booth in the General Convention Exhibit Hall in June in Louisville, Kentucky. Thank you one and all for dropping by to share questions, suggestions, successes, and affirmations. We gave away all our reusable utensil kits and tons of pens, stickers, and magnets. The booth crew… Read more: Safe Church at GC81
  • Upcoming Training Opportunities
    The Safe Church Office is winding down the training season and will take a breather during Advent as we both welcome a new presiding bishop and give people space and grace to move through the winter holiday season. Currently scheduled trainings are as follows for the remainder of the year: Train-the-Trainers Administrator Training Monthly Drop-ins… Read more: Upcoming Training Opportunities

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