Sacred Ground Expansion: An Invitation to Faith-Based Groups January 2022


When Sacred Ground was launched in 2019, our three-year license agreements for curricular materials specified that an Episcopal institution needed to be the lead host for each Sacred Ground circle. 

We have been inspired by the steady stream of requests for use of Sacred Ground that have come from a wide array of faith-based congregations and groups beyond The Episcopal Church. The presiding bishop, in his visits with diverse faith communities, also receives inquiries about how The Episcopal Church is pursuing the dream of becoming beloved community.  

Beyond The Episcopal Church 

Due to this interest from outside The Episcopal Church, we have worked not only to renew the licenses for another triennium for Episcopal use, but also to expand the licenses. We are excited to announce that that expansion of permissions is finalized.  

How to get involved  

If you would like to form a Sacred Ground dialogue circle in your house of worship or in any kind of not-for-profit faith-based organization, you are welcome to–and you no longer need to co-host with an Episcopal church (though such partnerships can be very life-giving!). The curriculum retains its Episcopal “flavor” but you may make relevant adaptations for your faith community/tradition. You can register here

Usage rights 

Our expansion is designed to be small-scale, word-of-mouth expansion, not unlimited. Our new copyright agreements have usage caps which respect the rights of the content creators of the films and books. If a large national or regional religious entity (such as a denomination or synod/presbytery/ conference) is interested in participating in Sacred Ground at scale, please reach out to to discuss options.   

Thanks in memoriam 

The renewed and expanded licensing was made possible by a generous gift from Caroline Russell, now deceased. As a parishioner at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brunswick, Maine, she was first a participant in and then a facilitator of Sacred Ground circles. She, along with others in the St. Paul’s community, had a bold vision for increasing dedication to racial justice among white people in Southern Maine. She gave a sizeable gift to her church to organize circles beyond their congregation.  

We wish to extend abundant thanks to her, in memoriam, and to the St. Paul’s community for blessing The Episcopal Church and kindred spirits beyond with access to the powerful materials in the curriculum. 

Categories: Sacred Ground