Successful Racial Justice, Healing and Reconciliation-related Legislation

Race-related resolutions poured into the General Convention from dioceses, committees, task forces, and other bodies. We’ve curated this list of resolutions passed and concurred by both houses of General Convention. Items in bold seemed to spark the most conversation or had significant funding implications. Please note: the full budget approved by Convention did not necessarily include funding for all the resolutions that passed.

1.     A019 Theological Education and Formation in Languages other than English

2.     A050 Support collaborative efforts with Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) to place historical markers

3.     A052 Revise the Mandate of the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism and Reconciliation

4.    A061 Amend Canon I.4.6.j to include data regarding gender (race and other demographics)

5.     A086 Continuing the Task Force for Care of Creation and Environmental Racism

6.     A125 A Resolution Extending and Furthering the Beloved Community (establishing Episcopal Coalition for Racial Justice and Equity)

7.    A126 A Resolution Supporting a Comprehensive Review of the Book of Common Prayer, The Hymnal 1982, and other approved liturgical material

8.    A127 Resolution for Telling the Truth about The Episcopal Church’s History with Indigenous Boarding Schools

9.    A129 Resolution for a Forensic Audit of the Funds of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society

10. A130 Resolution for the Development of Best Practices in Hiring and Developing Organizational Cultural Competencies

11. A131 Resolution Regarding Language

12.  A140 Urge The Episcopal Church and Constituents to Designate Indigenous Peoples’ Day

13.  A141 Develop Indigenous and Native Liturgical Resources

14.  C009 Mandates Anti-Racism & Racial Reconciliation Training for the House of Deputies

15.  C010 Amending Biographical Information for the Feast of Peter Williams Cassey and Annie Besant Cassey

16. C023 On Commemorating the Rt Rev Barbara Harris

17. C058 Resolution Requiring Action in Response to TEC’s Racial Audit

18. C072 Land Acknowledgment

19.  C020 Petition to the 80th General Convention to add Howard W. Thurman to the Episcopal Church calendar

20.  C054 Address the issue of Voter Suppression

21.  C004 Inclusion of June 19th, “Juneteenth” in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar in Recognition of the End of Slavery in the United States

22.  D001 Resolution for Funding of The Chaplaincies at The HBCUs

23.  D002 A Resolution to promote equity and to Reduce differences in Health Outcomes

24. D004 A Resolution for Continued Funding of The Beloved Community

25. D006 Resolution Establishing Equity in The Awarding of TEC Grants

26.  D008 Resolution to Address the Issue of Mass Incarceration

27.  D019 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Lands

28.  D020 Addressing Implications of the Digital Age

29.  D025 Lili’uokalani, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands

30.  D031 Opposition to Detention and Surveillance of Immigrants and Asylum-Seekers

31.  D047 Addressing Our Models for Mission and Ministry

32.  D082 Addressing the High Rates of Missing and Murdered Indigenous and All Women and Girls of Color

33. D090 The Church’s Teaching on Racism

34.  D091 Defining Equal Place in the Life of the Church

35.  D093 Broad Representation in Discernment Processes

36.  D094 Reaffirming the Role of Ethnic Ministries