Racial Justice Resolutions at General Convention

By the Rev. Miguel Bustos, manager for racial justice and reconciliation

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church marked an important point in our journey toward justice, particularly in terms of racial justice and reconciliation. Several resolutions passed during this convention demonstrate the church’s persistent commitment to resolving racial disparities and building a community based on love and justice. As we reflect on these watershed moments, it becomes clear that the church’s purpose is consistent with the larger work of justice in our world today.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry frequently reminds us, “If it is not about love, it is not about God.” This meaningful remark acts as a guiding concept for our actions. The resolutions passed at the convention reflect our collective work to embody this ideal, ensuring that our decisions and actions reflect the love and justice that God wants us to seek. The convention’s resolutions address a wide range of racial justice and reconciliation issues, from admitting past wrongs to establishing measures to effect system change. And as our presiding bishop-elect, Sean Rowe, said during his address to the House of Deputies, “Our broken world badly needs us to address them even more strategically and more effectively. This is the work God is calling us to do.”

One of the most telling aspects of the General Convention was the recognition that our work is far from complete. The Beloved Community—a vision of a world where all people are cherished and loved—is still an aspirational ideal that necessitates constant commitment and work. The resolutions are more than just symbolic gestures; they are actionable pledges that necessitate our personal participation and ongoing effort.

As we move forward, remember that our job is founded on love. Love for God, love for one another, and love of justice. Let us take the resolutions on racial justice and reconciliation seriously and commit to the ongoing task of creating the Beloved Community. Together, with our faith’s guidance and our church’s support, we can build a world that reflects God’s love, mercy, and justice.

Below is a list of racial justice resolutions passed at the 81st General Convention.

Successful Racial Justice, Healing, and Reconciliation-related Legislation

Originating from dioceses, committees, task forces, and other entities, race-related resolutions abounded at the General Convention. This curated list includes resolutions that received approval from both houses at convention. Resolutions highlighted in bold spurred extensive discussion or carried notable funding implications.

A015: Owning a Commitment to Reparations

A020: Establish a Standing Commission on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism

A027: Increase recruitment, hiring, appointment, retention, and representation of People of Color in church positions

A031: Translate Reconciliation Resources into Spanish

A034: Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education

A035: Establish Model Policies for Anti/Racism/Racial Reconciliation Work

A036: Amend Canons to Use Approved Common Terminology to Describe Anti-Racism Work

A099: Task Force for Indigenous Justice To Increase Advocacy Groups Reflecting Creation Care and Environmental Justice Ministries

A127: Establish a Working Group to Update Biographies in Lesser Feasts and Fasts

A148: Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice

A167: Water Rights for Indigenous Communities and Lands

C009: Petition of the Episcopal Church In Navajoland to become a Missionary Diocese

C011: Add Howard W. Thurman to The Episcopal Church Calendar

C012: Add Howard W. Thurman to the Episcopal Church Calendar

C032: A Prayer to Remember the Innocents

D006: Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism

D008: Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai – Water is Life”

D015: Examine the disparity in treatment in the adjudication of Clergy under Title IV Disciplinary Process by Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

D016: Continued Funding of The Beloved Community

D034: Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing

D037: Encourage All Ministries of The Episcopal Church to Assess Intersections with Migration

D054: A Resolution to Address The Issue of Black Maternal Mortality Rate

D059: Addressing Antisemitism in the Church and the World

D062: Support and Solidarity with Armenia

D066: Creating a Task Force for Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Reconciliation for LGBTQIA+

D073: Procedure for Reconciliation: Amend Canon 1.17.6

D074: Renouncing the Theology of Slavery held by the Rev. James Craik, 11th President of the House of Deputies

D076: Supporting Reparative Investment Vehicles

D077: Celebrating and Continuing the Work and Witness of the Church of the Advocate, Site of the Ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven