Pride Month, Juneteenth and More: Becoming Beloved Community Newsletter – June 2024

Dear Beloved Community,

As we enter June, we find ourselves at the intersection of celebration and reflection, marked by Pride month, Juneteenth, and the fresh memories of the Feast of Pentecost. Each of these significant times holds a profound message of transformation and empowerment that resonates deeply with our journey toward becoming a Beloved Community.

Pride month invites us to honor and advocate for the dignity and rights of the LGBTQ+ community. It is a time to celebrate the diversity of identities and expressions of love that enrich our human tapestry. This celebration is not just about parades and colorful flags; it’s about affirming the intrinsic worth of every individual and fostering an environment where all can live authentically and fearlessly.

Similarly, Juneteenth, a day commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, calls us to remember our history while striving for a future where true freedom and justice prevail. It’s a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle against systemic racism and the urgent need for equity and reconciliation within our society.

These celebrations occur in the glow of the Feast of Pentecost, where we remember how the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, equipping them with the ability to speak in diverse tongues. This miraculous event enabled them to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers, embodying God’s vision for a united yet diverse Kingdom. The Spirit’s flame ignited a global movement, driven by the core message of love and inclusion, compelling Jesus’ followers to go forth and share the Good News with all nations.

As we reflect on these celebrations, let us consider how they guide us in our mission to build a Beloved Community. This vision, deeply rooted in justice, peace, and love, challenges us to embrace not only those within our church walls but also those outside them. It encourages us to extend our table, making room for more voices, especially those that have been marginalized or silenced.

Embracing others requires more than passive acceptance; it demands active engagement and understanding. It means listening to the stories of those different from us, standing in solidarity with them, and taking concrete actions to address injustices. It involves examining our own biases and systems of power and privilege, and tirelessly working toward a community where everyone can flourish.

This June, let us commit to being agents of change, inspired by the dynamic energy of Pentecost, the courageous spirit of Pride, and the reflective solemnity of Juneteenth. Let us weave these threads into our daily lives and ministries, fostering spaces where empathy and action coexist. Let us continue to educate ourselves, advocate for policies that uphold dignity for all, and support movements that strive for a more equitable world.

In doing so, we not only honor the spirit of these commemorations but also take meaningful steps toward realizing the Kingdom of God here and now. This journey is not easy or quick, but it is essential. In this shared commitment, we find the strength to keep moving forward together, driven by faith and united in hope.

May this month be a time of joyful celebration and profound commitment to the work that still lies ahead. Let us go forth in love, for in love, we find the path to becoming truly a Beloved Community.

Prayers for justice and peace,
Miguel Bustos


The Rev. Miguel Bustos is manager for racial justice and reconciliation for The Episcopal Church