On Sacred Ground: An Invitation to Transformation—Looking Ahead to November’s Regional Gathering

By Jenny Beaumont

“Take off your sandals; you are on holy ground,” God says to Moses on the mountain. We know the story well. Imagine how Moses might have felt in that moment—confused, unsure, unprepared; yet God’s voice offers an anchor. A calling and direction. Moses is being called by and to God and to lead God’s people. Like Moses, we, too, are called to walk on holy ground, to feel the often too hot sand, to be in God’s presence and present to one another. We may feel unsure, confused, and uncomfortable, but we know we are grounded in our call to walk on holy ground because God is always near. Our work is clear—to become Beloved Community.

In the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, as part of our commitment to our mission priorities, hundreds of people have joined or led Sacred Ground circles. We are learning new ways of being together in this work of becoming Beloved Community—trusting each other in sacred, holy circles of divine hospitality.

With over 100 trained facilitators and more than 40 churches participating, words like appreciation, humility, reflection, and profound are the first responses when participants are asked about the impact on their faiths and lives. Here are a few:

“Sacred Ground has deepened my appreciation that there is so much that I do not know. This has called me to be more humble, and to accept that there are many different stories out there, mine being just one. In that humility, I am better able to listen without reacting… or overreacting. In so doing, I can decrease the stress in me, and hopefully in those around me. It all makes for an increase in the respect and dignity afforded to all.” Rector

“Sacred Ground was again a wake-up call that the work has NOT been finished … it should be available in EVERY EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the USA.” Deacon, Facilitator, and Participant 

“Sacred Ground is a profound experience, adding deeper meaning to some things I already knew, and adding significant (and sometimes shocking) things I am learning for the first time. This course has changed my life… I feel confident in taking part in discussions on racial reconciliation. This fall we will offer a six-week adult class based on this offering of Sacred Ground.” Past Participant and Retired Priest 

Jenny Beaumont is a race and reconciliation leader and a national trainer for Education for Ministry through University of the South at Sewanee.