July Gathering Free to Beloved Community Grant Recipients

Did you know that all recipients of Becoming Beloved Community grants can attend this summer’s “It’s All About Love” festival free? Whatever year your ministry received its grant, your grant organizer should have received an invite email with info for securing your free registration code. If you didn’t get it, please email us at reconciliation@episcopalchurch.org, and we’ll send it to you. 

“It’s All About Love” is organized around “tent” themes of Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Creation Care. The festival will include more than 90 exciting workshops and sessions, such as:

Prophetic Voices: Social Justice Preaching Practicum with Isaiah Shaneequa Brokenleg

Leading Racial and Public History Projects with Chris Graham, Melanie Mullen, Maria Kane

Reflections on Racial Healing with Catherine Meeks 

Breaking Free of White Supremacy with Kelly Brown-Douglas, Stephanie Spellers and Winnie Varghese

View the full list of workshops here and the event site here. We hope to see you at the festival, to worship with our whole bodies and hearts, to engage with leaders and thinkers, and to grow networks for the sake of the Jesus Movement.