Benediction for the Lightbearers on Valentine’s Day

By the Rev. Jerry Maynard

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, even when you would rather extinguish it; thank you for your steadfastness. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, even when it is little and you are embarrassed by it; thank you for your vulnerability. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, even though you think it is pointless and stupid; thank you for your discipline. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, not because you want to be seen but because you want others to be seen; thank you for your generosity. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, not because you have to but because you want to; thank you for your big heart. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, even when ridiculed, abused, angry, and neglected; thank you for your courage. 

Bless you, who shine your light, and love, even when it’s not sanctioned, validated, ordained, or affirmed; thank you for your defiance. 

Bless you, lightbearers; you teach us what it means to warm someone up with the mystique of your glow. Your disciplined, steadfast, and courageous presence teaches us to lean into the reality that there are people who will light the way. 

Bless you, lightbearers; your generosity and big heart are like sparks that kindle the flames of life and help set others on fire for living. May your defiance, which disrupts the darkness, be the energy that encourages us to extend our lights out toward the path, so others may continue the journey. Amen 


The Rev. Jerry Maynard, known as “The People’s Priest,” serves at the intersection of church and society in Houston, Texas. Father Jerry is a two-spirit person seeking to bring healing medicine through pastoral care, trainings in gospel nonviolence, and pioneering work in the field of digital ministry. He can be found at