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Young adult Episcopalians serve as missionaries throughout the Anglican Communion

October 6, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

Seventeen young adults – including six who will serve for a second year – representing 18 Episcopal Church dioceses are serving as missionaries in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) for the 2014-2015 term in locales throughout the Anglican Communion.

YASC is a ministry for Episcopal young adults, ages 21 – 30, who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the Anglican Communion.

The Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer, noted that while the day-to-day duties of each placement vary, the experiences of the YASCers are life-changing.  “YASC brings young adults into the life of the worldwide Anglican Communion and into the daily work of a local community,” he explained.

Each YASCer maintains a blog, detailing their service, reflections and adventures. Elizabeth Boe, Episcopal Church Global Networking Officer and a former YASC volunteer who served in Tanzania, shared that blogs provide an ideal means for connecting with others throughout The Episcopal Church and around the world.

Meet the YASCers

Primarily working in administration, communication, education, and development, the 18 YASC missionaries, their home dioceses, assignments and blog addresses are:

Fred Addy, Diocese of Dallas

Fred is serving with the Hogar Escuela in Heredia, in the Diocese of Costa Rica. His blog is

Joey Anderson, Diocese of Massachusetts and Diocese of Missouri

Joey is serving at the Asian Rural Institute in Japan. His blog is

Will Bryant, Diocese of Western North Carolina

Will is a second-year YASC missionary, and is serving with the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center in Rome, Italy in the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. His blog is  at

Paul Daniels, Diocese of North Carolina

Paul is a second-year YASC missionary, and is continuing his ministry with the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. George in Grahamstown, South Africa. His blog is

Justin Davis, Diocese of Virginia and Diocese of Southern Virginia

Justin is serving with the Mission to Seafarers in Hong Kong. His blog is

Elizabeth Duque Echeverry, Diocese of Colombia

Elizabeth is serving with Agape Care and Counselling in the Diocese of Maseno West, Kenya. Her blog is

Maurice Dyer, Diocese of El Camino Real

Maurice is a second-year YASC missionary, and is serving with the Institute for Healing of Memories in Cape Town, South Africa. His blog is

Carolyn Hockey, Diocese of Ohio

Carolyn is working in the Anglican Church of Burundi’s Provincial Office in Bujumbura. Her blog is

David Holton, Diocese of New York  

David is teaching at Easter College in Baguio City in the Diocese of North Central Philippines. His blog is

Kirsten Lowell, Diocese of Maine  

Kirsten is serving as an administrative assistant in charge of special projects in the Diocese of Uruguay. Her blog is

Willie Lutes, Diocese of South Dakota

Willie serving a communications assistant with the Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network and Anglican Communion Environmental Network in Cape Town, South Africa. His blog is

Kayla Massey, Diocese of Upper South Carolina  

Kayla is serving with the E-Care Center in Halsema in the Diocese of North Central Philippines. Her blog is

Rachel McDaniel, Diocese of West Tennessee  

Rachel is serving with women’s and children’s ministries in the Diocese of Southwestern Brazil. Her blog is

Hannah Perls, Diocese of Olympia

Hannah is a second-year YASC missionary, and is continuing her ministry with Foundation Cristosal in El Salvador. Her blog is

Carlin Van Schaik, Diocese of Northwest Texas

Carlin is a second-year YASC missionary, and is serving with the Episcopal Church in the Philippines. Her blog is

Alan Yarborough, Diocese of Upper South Carolina and Diocese of Western North Carolina

Alan is a second-year YASC missionary, and is continuing his economic and community development ministry in Cange, Haiti. His blog is

Ryan Zavacky, Diocese of Eastern Michigan  

Ryan is teaching at the Holy Cross School in Grahamstown, South Africa. His blog is

All the blogs are here:

The Episcopal Church:



