Public Affairs

Votes are in: 2014 Episcopal Church Christmas card contest winner

Joan Covell’s depiction of the nativity scene was the top vote-getter in the 2014 Episcopal Church Christmas card contest.

A total of 11531 votes were cast in this first-time contest. Forty-eight artists submitted 70 entries expressing a local understanding of God’s incarnation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Covell, a professional artist, resides in Flat Rock, NC, where she and her husband attend St. John In The Wilderness Episcopal Church, Diocese of Western North Carolina. Her works have been exhibited extensively in studios and showings and she has recently illustrated a children’s book.

“The Baby Jesus is intentionally at the most important place in the composition,” Covell noted. “All the lines of perspective lead to the Christ Child.”

Her image, she explained, included the variety of plants that would have existed in that time – cypress, pomegranate, olives, figs and date palms.

Learn more about Covell here

The printable PDF of the card will be available shortly.

For information about voting process contact Ana Arias, or Barry Merer.




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