Public Affairs

Updated Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs now available

The Episcopal Church Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, N. Kurt Barnes, is pleased to announce the online publication of the latest version of the Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs.  The Canons of The Episcopal Church set forth the general responsibility and accountability for the stewardship of the Church’s money and property. Title I, Canon 7 specifically addresses the business methods prescribed for every diocese, parish, mission, and institution subject to the authority of the Episcopal Church. 

“This edition of the Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs, which can be found at, is the first full-scale revision since 2012”, said Barnes.  “It identifies requirements and seeks to provide helpful advice on sound, practical internal controls, accounting guidelines and business practices.”  Barnes believes that it is a tool that will support the efforts of administrators and vestries as they perform their responsibilities of financial oversight and stewardship.

The Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs may be downloaded here and here. A simple print version may be ordered by contacting the Finance Office at  The cost, including postage, is $20.00.

Sections of the Manual are updated regularly.  The date of the latest update appears at the final page of each chapter.

Comments are welcome.  They will help the Finance Office with any future updates. Contact Barnes at