United Thank Offering young adult, seminarian grants awarded for 2018

The 2018 United Thank Offering grants for four seminarians and six young adults were approved by the Episcopal Church Executive Council at its January meeting.

The focus of the grants is Becoming Beloved Community: Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice.

The United Thank Offering is a ministry to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering awards grants for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally in the Episcopal Church.

Seminarian Grant Awards

  • Catalyst; Nashotah House; $2,500; Sarah Oxley, Diocese of Central Florida
  • Introducing Pastoral Care for Refugees in Egypt; Sewanee; $2,500; Caroline Carson, Diocese of Louisiana
  • Back to the Kitchen Table; Virginia Theological Seminary; $2,500; Leon Sampson, Navajoland Area Mission
  • Musical Instruments and Public-Address System; Virginia Theological Seminary; $2,500; Norbet Ayeebo, Anglican Diocese of Tamale, Ghana

Young Adult Grant Awards

  • Camp RISE: Remember, Inspire, Strengthen, Empower. A Summer Camp for children and youth grieving a relative’s death from drug use; Andrea Foote, Diocese of Southern Ohio, $2,500
  • Developing Allies in Reconciliation; Anne Marie Witchger, Diocese of New York; $2,500
  • New Church Community at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church; Grace Aheron, Diocese of Virginia, $2,500
  • Fostering a New Generation of Peace Builders in the Holy Land; Jack Karn, Diocese of Vermont; $2,500
  • Wilderness Wanderings; Kathryn Florack, Diocese of Western North Carolina; $2,500
  • Environmental Agriculture Program for St. Paul’s Students in Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti; Schneider Chancy, Diocese of Haiti; $2,411

More information

Descriptions of the grants are located here. 

The applications were reviewed by the board of the UTO and recommended by the Executive Council World Mission Committee.  

For more information, contact the Rev. Canon Heather Melton, Missioner for the United Thank Offering.