Public Affairs

United Thank Offering triennial ingathering collects more than three million dollars

The triennial UTO Ingathering ceremony held at the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Austin, TX, took place on July 6. It brought in $3,738,989.47. UTO funds are granted on an annual basis to support mission across the worldwide Episcopal Church. The nine Episcopal Church provinces, as well as Ingatherings from groups not associated with a province, gathered the following amounts to support the United Thank Offering:

Province One – $173,944.39
Province Two – $419,107.00
Province Three – $719,618.33
Province Four – $797,922.02
Province Five – $286,315.39
Province Six – $196,791.36
Province Seven – $263,595.99
Province Eight – $328,120.89
Province Nine – $42,346.84
Other Ingatherings- $511,227.26

Other Ingatherings includes the following contributors: The Episcopacy for Armed Forces and Federal Ministries, the Staff of the Presiding Bishop, the Episcopal Church of Liberia, Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico, Iglesia Episcopal de Panamá, Iglesia Anglicana de la Región Central América, and Iglesia Anglicana de Uruguay, Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America

The total Ingathering for the 2015-2017 triennial is $3,738,989.47

For more information, contact

The Reverend Canon Heather L. Melton

Staff Officer, The United Thank Offering

The Episcopal Church
