Public Affairs

United Thank Offering set to award $1,535,740.55 after the 2018 Ingathering

The United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering is set to award $1,535,740.55 in 2019, thanks to increased giving by people from across the church in 2018. UTO funds are granted on an annual basis to support mission across The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion.

The UTO 2018 Ingathering reflects an increase in giving of $15,495.15 over the 2017 thank offerings. Fifty-three Episcopal dioceses increased their giving. For a complete breakdown in giving by Province and Diocese since 2000, please visit: (The link to this data is at the bottom of the page.)

“We are so very grateful for everyone who participates in UTO each year,” shared UTO staff officer, Heather Melton. “Not only because your thank offerings go on to fund innovative mission and ministry in The Episcopal Church through UTO grants, but also because we believe that gratitude is an important and needed expression of faith in the world today. If you think about the Ingathering as an expression of the good things God is doing in the midst of us, then at a dime a piece, that means Episcopalians experienced almost 11 million blessings in 2018.”

Since 1889, UTO has collected and granted $138,629,911.07 in thank offerings to support innovative mission and ministry in The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion through 5,257 grants. For the full list of grants awarded by UTO, please visit:  The 2019 grants, funded by the 2018 Ingathering, will be announced mid-June 2019.

UTO was founded to encourage Episcopalians to notice the good things happening in their daily lives and make small thank offerings in a UTO Blue Box or through the UTO Blue Box app. The following year, 100% of those thank offerings are awarded as grants. For more information on UTO, or how to participate, please visit