United Thank Offering grants: More than $1 million for Episcopal Church, Anglican Communion mission and ministry

The United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church awarded 34 grants for a total of $1,257,778.17 for the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. The announcement was made during the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, meeting July 5 – July 13 in Austin, TX (Diocese of Texas).

The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering grants are awarded for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally in the Episcopal Church. 

The focus of the 2018 granting process was “Becoming Beloved Community: Racial Healing, Reconciliation, and Justice.” Grants were awarded to 34 projects, including three to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society to support new work that the Church budget has not yet expanded to fund. Four grants support dioceses that receive block grants from General Convention (aided dioceses). Six grants fund projects outside of the Episcopal Church, either directly or through an Episcopal Church companion. Five grants are companion projects. This year’s grant recipients represent eight of the nine Anglican Communion provinces and 28 dioceses of The Episcopal Church.

Recipients and projects

Historical grants

Global Partnerships – Gifts for Missionaries 

  • This annual contribution supports the work of all Episcopal Church missionaries. This year, the award will support 38 missionaries and two overseas Episcopal convents:  $11,900

United Thank Offering in Partnership with the Office of Government Relations – Julia Chester Emery Internship

  • This grant will provide funds for the continuation of the Julia Chester Emery United Thank Offering Internship. This project seeks to aid in the personal and professional development of a young woman interested in lay ministry by providing intentional mentoring and leadership experience through the Episcopal Public Policy Network and UTO: $49,452.11

Presiding Bishop’s Award: Partners in Welcome – Episcopal Migration Ministries

  • Expanding beyond its public-private partnership in refugee resettlement, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is creating the Partners in Welcome program, a network that supports congregations, dioceses, and organizations as they welcome and seek right relationship with their immigrant and refugee neighbors. This grant will provide for staffing and equipment to launch this program: $62,000

Episcopal Church awards

  • Diocese of Alaska with the Companion Diocese of Navajoland – Practicing the Way of Love in Navajoland: $20,000
  • Diocese of Arizona – Bridges Reentry: $26,000
  • Diocese of Connecticut – Bridging the Racial Divide: $7,000
  • Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe – Support for Community Refugee Events to Fight Racism & Xenophobia Against Refugees and Migrants: $15,512.77
  • Diocese of Dallas – Food Ministry – San Francisco de Asis Iglesia Episcopal: $5,400
  • Diocese of El Camino Real – Bridge Project: $68,000
  • Diocese of Idaho – Connecting Cultures by Becoming a Beloved Community: $4,000
  • Diocese of Iowa – Beloved Community Initiative (BCI): $20,800
  • Diocese of Iowa in Companion with the Diocese of Nzara, South Sudan Beyond the Mango Trees – St. Timothy’s School Classroom Buildings: $44,372
  • Diocese of Lexington – Clean Start: A Social Justice Enterprise: $29,000
  • Diocese of Louisiana – Healing the Next Generation: Relationships, Resiliency, and Social/Emotional Learning: $48,000
  • Diocese of Maryland – Gilead House: $14,420
  • Diocese of Massachusetts in Companion with the Diocese of Tanga – Tanzania Creation of Kitchen and Dining Areas for Hegongo Holy Cross Secondary School: $66,668.13
  • Diocese of Navajoland – The Hozho Center: Becoming Beloved Community Through Healing and Hope: $33,815
  • Diocese of Newark – All the Way Up: Adult Education Center: $43,000
  • Diocese of North Carolina – Training for Racial Justice and Reconciliation: $31,681
  • Diocese of North Dakota Companion with South Dakota – Thunderhead Episcopal Center Transportation: $43,230
  • Diocese of Northern Michigan – Walking Together: Finding Common Ground Through Racial Reconciliation: $30,000
  • Diocese of Rhode Island – Center for Reconciliation: $44,000
  • Diocese of Rochester – Companion with Costa Rica Lego Love: Construction of a School/Community Center in Cartagena: $61,875
  • Diocese of South Dakota – Niobrara Prayer Book in Lakota: $45,000
  • Diocese of Southern Ohio – Beloved Community Centers – Communities of Practice: $31,200
  • Diocese of Southwestern Virginia – Building the Community Room: Grace Episcopal Church, Lexington: $46,905
  • Diocese of Southwest Florida – The Farm at St. Augustine’s: $63,600
  • Diocese of Upper South Carolina – Voorhees Scholars Program: $7,700
  • Diocese of Utah – Justice Through Transportation: $18,945.46
  • Diocese of Virginia – Charis Hospitality Expansion Project: $30,000

Anglican Communion Awards

  • Congo, Diocese of Goma – Goma Anglican Centre for Peace and Reconciliation: $81,417.70
  • Kenya, Diocese of Southern Nyanza – Provision of Water Tanks for Improved Health: $30,000
  • Spain – Jonathan Myrick Daniels Center: $90,000
  • Sri Lanka, Diocese of Colombo Oppuravillam – Furthering Our Mission of Reconciliation and Peace: $33,064

The United Thank Offering award funds are obtained from the Ingatherings/funds/contributions received through offerings from the well-known and easily recognizable UTO Blue Box.

Members of the United Thank Offering Board are: Sandra Squires, President; Marcie Cherau, Vice-President; Birdie Blake Reid, Secretary; Kathy Mank, Financial Secretary; Sherri Dietrich, Province I; Vernese Smith, Province II; Joyce Haines, Province III; Joyce Landers, Province IV; Peg Cooper, Province V; Elizabeth Campbell, Province VI; Valinda Jackson, Province VII; Barbara Schafer, Province VIII; Reina Isabel Lopez, Province IX; Caitlyn Darnell, Young Adult Board Member; The Rev. Sarah Carver, Appointed Member; The Rev. Marion Luckey, Executive Council Liaison

For more information contact the Rev. Canon Heather Melton, Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering.