Public Affairs

Traveling the Way of Love Episode 5: Pray

Traveling the Way of Love, Episode 5: Pray, the latest installment of a new video series from The Episcopal Church Office of Communication, premieres September 24, 3:00 pm EDT on The Episcopal Church website and on The Episcopal Church Facebook page.

Hosted by Chris Sikkema, the Office of Communication’s manager for special projects, Traveling the Way of Love shares stories of the ways people across The Episcopal Church practice the Way of Love. Each episode highlights one of the seven Way of Love practices: turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest. This fifth episode focuses on pray. 

In this episode, Sikkema visits with the Rev. Canon Katie Churchwell, canon for community outreach at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in St. Petersburg, Florida to discuss her Facebook ministry Pop-up Prayer. This ministry had its start when the Cathedral was shut down in anticipation of a major hurricane and was offered as a way for people to connect and counteract feelings of isolation and fear in advance of and during the storm. “It just became this thing that when the doors were closed at the Cathedral you could find worship, you could find prayer, you could find community, and you could really find God’s presence,” says Churchwell.

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Episodes are closed-captioned.

This episode was made possible by Forward Movement in partnership with The Episcopal Church Office of Communication.