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Toolkit prepared by Status of Women Committee

June 19, 2015
Office of Public Affairs

The Executive Council Committee on the Status of Women has prepared a search toolkit called Cast Wide the Net with resources available here 

Designed to provide resources for ordained women, search committees, and others, Cast Wide the Net was a result of actions taken at the 2012 General Convention.

Each section offers comprehensive information and links in such areas as: Why Gender Still Matters; Bishops and Transition Ministers; Ordained Women; Women and the Episcopate; Women in Transition or Search Processes; Women’s Leadership; Search and Transition Committees.

“The search toolkit contains an initial set of resources, with more yet to be posted,” noted the Rev. Dr. Paula Nesbitt of the Diocese of California, chair of the Executive Council Committee on the Status of Women. “The search toolkit will continue to expand as more resources are added.”

As noted in the search toolkit: These toolkit resources may help bring awareness to some of the priorities and practices by which gender can affect expectations and outcomes, with a result of helping lessen the gender disparities and increasing a gender inclusive ethos for women’s leadership in the church.

For more information contact Nesbitt at




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