Public Affairs

Thy Kingdom Come: Presiding Bishop joins Worldwide Anglican Communion campaign calling for prayer

For the second year, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has joined the worldwide Anglican Communion in Thy Kingdom Comea campaign initiated by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby calling for prayer by individuals, congregations and families.

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension Day (May 10) and Pentecost (May 20) for more people to come to know Jesus.  

“Jesus taught us to pray ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done’,” Presiding Bishop Curry said in a video message for Thy Kingdom Come available here and here.


A wide selection of resources and information are available to participate in many ways in Thy Kingdom Come, designed for both personal and group devotions and meditations.

  • Extensive resources for the 11 Days Of Prayer are located here.
  • #Pledge2pray – sign up here to participate in the worldwide #Pledge2pray movement
  • #ThyKingdomCome
  • Pray for 5 here – indicate five people – family or friends or others – that you will pray for during Thy Kingdom Come
  • List prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of sorrow and forgiveness, prayers for help here
  • Prayer resources that can be downloaded at no fee are here and here.
  • Join the Facebook page here