The Office of Public Affairs

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Thousands visit, offer prayers, watch videos on the new Episcopal Church website

January 24, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

Since its December 28 redesign launch, more than 55,000 have visited the Episcopal Church website 84,000 times, viewing 294,000 pages!

“In less than a month, the Episcopal Church website has experienced a lot of traffic and participation,” noted Anne Rudig, Episcopal Church Director of Communication. “The response has been overwhelming and we are gratified that we are engaging newcomers and members alike.  People are lingering, clicking, and viewing videos.”

The top 10 pages visited were: Find A Church; Bulletin Inserts; live/on demand worship; sermons; the Bible; Baptismal Covenant; I am Episcopalian; calendar; history; and the Book of Common Prayer.

And, already hitting the 10,000 mark is the number of plays of the many videos offered on the site.

On a daily basis, dozens of readers have submitted prayer requests, knowing that a community is praying for and with them in the section Prayers of the people.

In addition, more than 300 local congregations have updated their own information in the Find a church section, which provides rapid access to Episcopal churches in the United States and the 15 other countries of the Episcopal Church.

“Keeping church information updated on the website is an important evangelism tool,” Rudig continued.  “Dozens of churches have taken advantage of this key element and we invite all churches to check their listing.”

Key to the new website is the many opportunities for dioceses, congregations, provinces and Episcopalians to post videos and photos of local mission in action.

On December 28, the Episcopal Church unveiled a new welcoming, eye-appealing, easy-to-navigate, experiential website.

The new website features a motif of stained glass windows, each of which holds a small piece of our contemporary church and provides many avenues to experience the Episcopal Church, its beliefs and its many ministries.

And, the website is available in Spanish and English.

Among the key features on the home page: What we believe; What we do; Who we are; Ministries; Multimedia; Calendar.

New features include: Prayer for the day; Worship; Prayers of the people; Find a church; and Social media.

The Episcopal Church

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The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations.  The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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