Third season of The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry podcast continues with guest Ruby Sales

Season 3 of The Episcopal Church’s podcast The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry, is now available. These weekly conversations, featuring Bishop Curry, podcast host Sandy Milien, and a variety of guests, center on ways to live a life committed to living the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial and redemptive love.

Season 3 changes include longer conversations between Bishop Curry and his guests: faith leaders, authors, and thinkers who are committed to following the Way of Jesus in the world today. Framed by the Way of Love – those seven practices of turning, learning, praying, worshipping, blessing, going, and resting – listeners will hear stories and lessons about how they can grow closer to God in daily life.

In this episode, Bishop Curry talks with legendary leader Ruby Sales about her long and enduring work for civil rights and freedom in the United States. The two discuss how she was introduced to these movements, her search for a calling, and the potential of The Episcopal Church to lead in honest racial justice and reconciliation. To Go on the Way of Love is to cross boundaries, listen deeply, and live like Jesus. To do any of these things, and to have any hope of healing, we need to be able to tell each other the truth and go, as Ruby Sales says, “where it hurts.”

Bishop Curry and Sales discuss how going where it hurts led to an encounter with Jonathan Myrick Daniels, an Episcopal seminarian whose ministry in Lowndes County, Alabama would lead to his martyrdom and her decades-long legacy of justice-making. They describe seeing past a dualistic understanding of history and toward a spiritual revolution that can actually affect change in society.

Season 3 episodes and guests include:

If you missed Seasons 1 and 2, or want to go back and listen again, individual episodes, including bonus episodes and reflection guides are here and here.

The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry, is available on most podcast apps and at Visit the Way of Love podcast webpage to subscribe to the podcast through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify and to sign up for notifications of new seasons and episodes as well as additional featured content.

Categories: Evangelism, Way of Love