Public Affairs

There is still time to apply for Episcopal Church Plant Grants

New Episcopal Communities grants are currently available for Episcopal dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church. New Episcopal Communities grants are part of a $2,500,000 initiative funded by the General Convention in 2018 that seeks to celebrate and strategically support emerging communities in the Episcopal Church and that builds partnerships within and beyond the church, expands the church’s language of ministry, and creates new ways for the church to engage the people of God.

The deadline for the first round of grant applications is July 15, 2019; applications will then will be accepted afterwards on rolling basis through the end of the current ministry triennium in 2021.

Katie Nakamura Rengers of Birmingham, Alabama is working with the Office for Church Planting and Mission Development of The Episcopal Church during the search for a new Staff Officer for Church Planting Infrastructure. Nakamura Rengers, along with members of the Task Force on Church Planting and Congregational Redevelopment will be available to answer questions from New Episcopal Communities grant applicants. Nakamura Rengers can be contacted at

For more information, or to apply for a grant, visit

Press release announcing grant availability: