The Rev. Mike Michie, Episcopal Church staff officer for church planting infrastructure, accepts call to parish ministry, effective May 1, 2019

 The Episcopal Church’s staff officer for church planting infrastructure, the Rev. Mike Michie, has announced to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and other colleagues, his intention to resign his staff position and return to parish ministry.

In making this announcement, Michie shared, “This was a difficult decision for me, as you know the heart and passion that I have for the work of church planting and mission development in our church. I know that the work will continue and pray that God will send us just the person we need to help us and keep this work going.”

Michie continued, “We have different callings and one of the things I’ve learned this last eighteen months is that mine is to the local church.” 

“The Episcopal Church’s movement for church planting has thrived with Mike Michie’s prayerful and practical leadership,” said the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, canon to the Presiding Bishop for evangelism, reconciliation, and creation care. “We celebrate his new ministry, even as we look to birth new communities and new ways for diverse neighbors to engage the Jesus Movement.” 

In 2015, acting on General Convention Resolution D005, The Episcopal Church launched a new missional movement to engage in evangelism and church planting initiatives and to cultivate new ministries for the Jesus Movement. The staff officer for church planting infrastructure plays a key role in this process.

“Mike has been an invaluable resource to our church-wide network of Ministry Developers and those who support them, said the Rev. Thomas Brackett, manager, Church Planting and Redevelopment. “He epitomizes a balance of good humor and a holy zeal to share the Good News in every corner of our communities! Though this is a remarkable calling for him to accept, we will miss Mike’s presence sorely.”

“All of the infrastructure and support systems that Mike has created will continue on, after his transition, Brackett added.  “We look forward to hosting every one of the events that Mike has planned. The online applications for new ministry funding will go live by the end of April.”

Sign up now for this upcoming event:
New Episcopal Community Discerning Missional Leadership retreat, Atlanta, May 20-23. Register here.

Categories: Church Planting, staff