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The Episcopal Church Seeks information on formation resources and practices

January 6, 2020
Office of Public Affairs

Task Force for the Formation & Ministry of the Baptized, created by legislation at the 79th General Convention, is seeking input from lay and ordained Episcopalians throughout the church about the formation and efficacy of the processes and practices that are being used across the church through the short survey linked in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here.

Resolution 2018-C005, Appoint Task Force to Study Implementation of Canon III.1, mandates that the Task Force:

  1. Identify or develop curricula, practices, and strategies that can be used by dioceses and congregations to encourage and engage all the baptized in the work of building up the church by identifying their gifts for ministry, employing their gifts for ministry, and focusing on full engagement of their ministries in daily life, work, and leisure; and
  2. Recommend strategies for the affirmation, development, and exercise of ministry by all baptized persons in the areas of gifts discernment, education and training for ministry, and leadership development.

In order to do so, the Task Force is reaching out to people who worship in Episcopal communities for insight, direction, and a better understanding of best practices.  The Task Force seeks to identify the resources and practices that are forming Christians for daily life in participants’ contexts and the challenges faced, in order to equip people of all ages to live into their baptismal vocations with confidence and joy.

The Task Force seeks input from all who participate in Episcopal worshiping communities and orders of ministry who participate in Episcopal faith communities or who identify as Episcopalian. The survey will take about 25 minutes to complete.

The Task Force on Formation and Ministry of the Baptized is also working very closely with the Task Force on Theological Education Networking, whose mandate is similar but focuses on theological education, to share findings so that both committees may better succeed at their tasks and look more holistically at formation.

For more information on the General Convention mandate ” 2018-C005 Appoint Task Force to Study Implementation of Canon III.1,” click here.

Task Force members include:

Dr. Lisa Kimball, Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Washington

The Rt. Rev. J. Russell Kendrick, Vice-Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Central Gulf Coast

The Rev. Paul Aparicio, Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac

Ms. Lisa Brown, Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

The Rev. Canon Lydia Kelsey Bucklin, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan

The Rev. Heather Erickson, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

The Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

The Rev. Canon Timothy Hodapp, Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut

Ms. Demi Prentiss, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas

Ms. Melissa Rau, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

Mr. Byron Rushing, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

The Rev. Peter Wong, Episcopal Diocese of Central Gulf Coast

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president, The Episcopal Church House of Deputies, ex officio

The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop, The Episcopal Church, ex officio