The Office of Public Affairs

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Ten Episcopal Church missionaries embark on international mission placements

September 1, 2011
Office of Public Affairs

Ten new Episcopal Church missionaries, all representing different dioceses, are either on their way, or are about to embark, to mission placements located in eight international locations.

Seven of the new missionaries — Erika Almquist, Kathleen Clark, Nicole Groome, Karen Langley, An Ngo, Stephen Smith and Katie Young are part of the Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps, known as YASC, for one-year assignments.

The other three the Rev. Matthew Engleby, Lynn Griebling and the Rev. Pam Strobel – have assignments ranging from six months to three years representing a wide range of mission service opportunities.

Thanks to today’s technology, their experiences and reflections can be followed through their personal blogs.

“We ask that you pray for our missionaries, as they devote their lives in service to the work of our Lord and our Church throughout the Anglican Communion,” commented the Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer.

The missionaries, their sending dioceses, mission placements and blog addresses are:

Erika Almquist, Diocese of Massachusetts; community health coordinator, Foundation Cristosal, Diocese of El Salvador;

Kathleen Clark, Diocese of Tennessee; paralegal and counselor, Mission for Migrant Workers, Diocese of Hong Kong;

The Rev. Matthew Engleby, Diocese of New Jersey; executive director, El Hogar Projects, Diocese of Honduras;

Lynn Griebling, Diocese of Fond du Lac; music education development advisor, Diocese of Durgapur, Church of North India;

Nicole Groome, Diocese of Virginia; volunteer, Asian Rural Institute, Nippon Sei Ko Kai, Japan;

Karen Langley, Diocese of Oklahoma; volunteer, Itipini Community Project, Diocese of Mthatha, South Africa;

An Ngo, Diocese of Utah; Assistant to the Bishop, Province of Mexico;

Stephen Smith, Diocese of California; assistant teacher, Holy Cross School, Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa;

The Rev. Pam Strobel, Diocese of Connecticut; assistant to the primate, Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo;

Katie Young, Diocese of West Texas; teaching assistant, Anglican Youth Center in Nagoya, Diocese of Chubu, Nippon Sei Ko Kai, Japan;

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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