Public Affairs

Task Force on Study of Marriage wants your videos

The Episcopal Church Task Force on the Study of Marriage wants videos from Episcopalians throughout the church.

The videos should focus on the topic: Give us your first name and tell a one minute story about your relationship or one you know well in which you have seen the image of God.

“We invite Episcopalians to prepare, produce and submit a one-minute video sharing their thoughts and feelings that we can use in our reporting,” commented Task Force member the Rev. Canon W. (Will) H. Mebane, Jr., Diocese of Ohio. “The videos don’t need to be professionally recorded – feel free to use a Smartphone or flip cam.”

The videos should be sent to

These videos will be used as part of upcoming presentations and reports to the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies.

Task Force Facebook page

Task Force YouTube

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on the Study of Marriage is enabled by Resolution A050 at the 2012 General Convention.


Task Force Members

The members of the Task Force on the Study of Marriage are:

The Rev. Brian C. Taylor, chair, Diocese of the Rio Grande

Carolyn M. Chilton, Diocese of Virginia

The Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Ely, Diocese of Vermont

Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, vice-chair, Diocese of East Carolina

The Very Rev. Gail Greenwell, Diocese of Kansas

The Rev. Tobias S. Haller, Diocese of New York

The Rev. Canon W. (Will) H. Mebane, Jr., Diocese of Ohio

The Rev. J. David Knight, Diocese of Mississippi

The Rev. Dr. Cameron E. Partridge, Diocese of Massachusetts

The Rev. Canon Susan Russell, Diocese of Los Angeles

The Very Rev. Dr. Sylvia A. Sweeney, Diocese of Los Angeles

The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, Diocese of Upper South Carolina


Resolution A050 is available in full here.



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Categories: Public Affairs