Public Affairs

Survey results provide overview of Episcopal congregations

The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society has posted the results of the 2014 Survey of Episcopal Congregations, conducted in conjunction with the Faith Communities Today (FACT) ecumenical/interfaith survey project.

Named New Facts on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline, the document is located here  

New Facts on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline examines the dynamics of growth and decline in Episcopal congregations. According to C. Kirk Hadaway, Ph.D., Officer for Congregational Research for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, the findings are based on 2013 Parochial Report data and the 2014 Survey of Episcopal Congregations, “which was completed by 762 congregations of an initial sample of 1,100.  Churches were weighted by size, as measured in 2009, and represent the size distribution of all Episcopal churches in the US,” he said. 

With growth measured by change in Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) from 2009 to 2013, New Facts on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline examines factors associated with growth and decline, such as what makes a congregation thrive or experience loss. Among the many sources of congregational growth and decline, Hadaway said, are the location and demographics of a congregation; the congregation’s identity; the congregation’s worship style and number of services; the congregation’s programs and activities; and the leadership of the congregation.

Hadaway pointed out New Facts on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline is an update to the 2005 FACTs report, located here.

Other information for use by congregations and dioceses is available on the Research and Statistics page here 

For more information contact Christine Kandic, Congregational Research Assistant for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

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