Survey results add data to Episcopal Life Online redesign

Results of a recent survey indicated that 73% of respondents were either very satisfied or fairly satisfied with Episcopal Life Online (

With answers that were frank and honest, denoting a broad range of thoughts and interests, the 23-question survey focused on reader satisfaction and trends, and asked for suggestions on both content and design. The survey, which closed October 4, was completed by 1282 respondents. In the first 24 hours of the survey”s availability, approximately 800 of the responses were submitted from the Episcopal Church Facebook.

The data derived from the responses will be instrumental as the Office of Communication moves to redesign the look and content of the popular news outlet. The comments and results will guide the next steps as Episcopal Life Online is streamlined, the search function is improved, and exciting elements are added, such as a blog feature. The redesigned Episcopal Life Online is expected to debut early 2010.

Sampling of results

Overall, Episcopal Life Online received high marks for timeliness, objectivity, immediacy, and comprehensiveness.

According to the results, 30% check Episcopal Life Online daily, with a close 31% stating they view the website several times per week. More than half (53%) preferred the once-a-day frequency of receiving news updates rather than other possible options.

In a ranking of the sections contained on Episcopal Life Online, the most popular was Top Story, marking in with an overwhelming 78% endorsement. Also ranking high were Diocesan Digest and World Report. .

What do readers want more? Book reviews, and news about the Presiding Bishop, dioceses, House of Deputies, advocacy efforts, disabilities, discernment, and older adults.

What do readers want less? Sexuality and gender issues.

Who completed the survey?

The majority of the respondents, at 96%, were Episcopal/Anglican, with a smattering of other denominations. Of the Episcopalians, the majority – at 64% – self-identified as parishioners, along with 22 bishops, 296 priests, and 47 deacons; 36 were General Convention deputies. The vast majority of respondents – 84% – were 46 years old and older; the respondents were evenly split between men and women. An impressive 60% indicated they subscribe to Episcopal Life Daily, the free email service of news and information; nearly half have subscribed two – five years. Fifty-nine percent follow The Episcopal Church on Facebook.

The findings from the Episcopal Life Online survey will contribute to a larger overall communication strategic plan and implementation for The Episcopal Church.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 110 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs