Still time to apply Episcopal Church General Convention Executive Officer

There is still time to apply for the position of Executive Officer of General Convention of the Episcopal Church.

Following a review by a search committee, the new Executive Officer will be appointed jointly by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, with the advice of Executive Council.

The position is open to an active Episcopalian, either clergy or lay.

The position calls for a thorough understanding of the polity of the Episcopal Church, supervisory responsibilities and a working knowledge of parliamentary procedures. There is extensive travel throughout the Episcopal Church associated with the position.

Among the duties of the position are: to serve as Executive Officer for General Convention, and, if elected, as Secretary to Executive Council; to coordinate the work of the Committees, Commissions, Agencies, and Boards (CCABs) that are funded by General Convention; to supervise and manage the General Convention office staff, located at the Church Center in New York City; to participate as a member of the executive oversight group of the churchwide DFMS staff.

Detailed requirements and application are located here:*CB108203C93EC147

Deadline for applications is Friday, September 21.

Employment begins no later than January 1, 2013, following the retirement of the current Executive Officer, the Rev. Canon Dr. Gregory Straub.

Named by Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori and President Jennings to serve on the Search Committee for the Executive Officer  are: Stephen F. Hutchinson, Diocese of Utah, chair; Bishop Clifton Daniel, III, Diocese of East Carolina; the Rev. Dr. R. Stan Runnels, Diocese of West Missouri; Deborah J. Stokes, Diocese of  Southern Ohio; and Anne Watkins, Diocese of Connecticut.  All are members of Executive Council.

John Colón, director of Human Resources, is providing staff consultation and support to the committee.

For more information contact Colón.



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