The Office of Public Affairs

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Statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on the passing of Gen. Colin Powell, former secretary of state

October 18, 2021
Office of Public Affairs

My heart is heavy today with the news of the death of Colin Powell, former secretary of state, four-star general, and lifelong Episcopalian. I pray for his family and all his many loved ones, and I give thanks for his model of integrity, faithful service to our nation, and his witness to the impact of a quiet, dignified faith in public life.

Powell also dedicated himself to service in his retirement. I recall fondly having breakfast with him a couple years ago. He became energized and passionate about his work with the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, which is part of his alma mater, The City College of New York. 

He cared about people deeply. He served his country and humanity nobly. He loved his family and his God unswervingly. As Jesus says in the New Testament, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

May he rest in peace and rise in glory. 

The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church