Public Affairs

Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music seeks input on Holy Women Holy Men

The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) seeks comment on a new approach to commemorations: A Great Cloud of Witnesses.

After reviewing responses to Holy Women, Holy Men, SCLM is proposing that a calendar and liturgical material for optional commemorations be included in a volume entitled A Great Cloud of Witnesses. The full proposal is on the commission’s blog here.

As noted on the website:  “A Great Cloud of Witnesses represents the desire of General Convention for a revision of the calendar of the Church that reflects the lively experience of sainthood, especially on the level of the local community. In this way, “A Great Cloud of Witnesses” is a tool for learning about the history of the Church and identifying those who have inspired us and challenged us from the time of the New Testament down to the present moment.”

“The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music welcomes suggestions and comments as we prepare for General Convention 2015,” explained the Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers, chair, Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. “We hope that this new approach responds to the feedback we’ve received on Holy Women, Holy Men.”

Please send your comments to the SCLM via email or on the SCLM blog.

•         To contact SCLM email

•         Visit the SCLM blog

•         Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music





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Categories: Liturgy & Music