The Office of Public Affairs

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Special 2020 Parochial Report Form

November 4, 2020
Office of Public Affairs

Following the October 9-12, 2020 meeting of Executive Council, the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, has announced that the form for the 2020 Parochial Report is now viewable on the General Convention website in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here

The filing site will be live on January 2, 2021. Parochial Reports will be due to dioceses on March 1, 2021 and to the General Convention Office on May 1, 2020.  

Releasing the new forms at this time offers congregational leaders time to review the new questions and to begin gathering the information needed to complete the report. The 2020 report includes a new narrative section, which invites congregations to reflect on the opportunities and challenges encountered in the midst of the pandemic. Also new are questions about online worship and questions on the impact the pandemic has had on congregational life and finances. The report also asks about the congregation’s involvement in racial justice and reconciliation work.   

The 2020 Parochial Report, along with an updated Diocesan Report, was developed by the House of Deputies State of the Church Committee and approved by Executive Council at its October meeting.  

The Parochial Report is the oldest, continuous gathering of data by The Episcopal Church. Overseen by the Executive Officer of General Convention, the Parochial Report touches every congregation of the church. Together with other data, including that of the Recorder of Ordinations and the Registrar of General Convention, the Parochial Report provides an insight to the state of the church.

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