The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

September – December 2014 consecrations, elections and consents in the Episcopal Church

August 26, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

In the next four months – September 1 to December 31 – the Episcopal Church will witness the consecrations of four bishops, the election of one bishop, and the consent process of two bishops.


Four consecrations of a bishop are slated for September to December.

September 6: Diocese of Maryland; the Rev. Canon Heather Cook was elected Bishop Suffragan May 2.

September 13: Diocese of Massachusetts; the Rev. Alan Gates was elected April 5.

September 27: Diocese of Mississippi; the Very Rev. Brian R. Seage was elected May 3.

November 8: Diocese of East Carolina; the Rev. Robert Stuart Skirving was elected May 17.


During September to December, one bishop election is scheduled:

October 25: Diocese of West Texas Bishop Coadjutor

Canonical Consent Process

Currently there are two canonical consent processes underway for September to December. The deadlines are:

October 16: The Very Rev. Brian R. Seage was elected bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Mississippi on May 3

October 31: The Rev. Robert Stuart Skirving was elected bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, elected May 17.


The Episcopal Church:

Diocese of East Carolina

Diocese of Maryland

Diocese of Massachusetts

Diocese of Mississippi  

Diocese of West Texas