Public Affairs

Search committee for Episcopal Church Missioner for Black Ministry offers update

The search committee for the Episcopal Church Missioner for Black Ministry has provided the following update on its work:


Update on the search for the new Missioner for Black Ministry


The work of the search committee to find the new Missioner for Black Ministry within the Episcopal Church has begun. Our goal is to reimagine this ministry to better serve the community given the complexities of its current status and its future possibilities. Most important is to choose an adaptive leader to fulfill this role.

A high-level timeline of our work over the next few months is as follows: the job description will be posted to the church and applications will be received between June 1 – July 15; the search committee will review applications between July 15 – 31, conduct interviews in August, and will recommend at least two finalists to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry by September 1.

Canon Annette Buchanan of the Diocese of New Jersey and Bishop Wendell Gibbs of Michigan will serve as Co-chairs of the committee.

Members of the search committee are:

  • The Rev. Jabriel Ballantine, Central Florida
  • The Rev. Debra Q. Bennett, Ohio
  • Lou Glosson, San Diego
  • The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Episcopal Church’s Director of Ethnic Ministries
  • The Rev. Deacon April Alford-Harkey, Connecticut
  • Imani Jackson, Texas
  • Diane B. Pollard, New York
  • The Rev. Canon Dr. Angela Shepherd, facilitator, Maryland
  • The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism Reconciliation and Creation  
  • The Rev. Dr. Sandye Wilson, Newark
  • The Rev. Charles Wynder, Jr., Episcopal Church Missioner for Social Justice and Advocacy Engagement


Please keep the search committee in your prayers.


For questions or comments contact Angeline Cabanban.



Categories: Black Ministries