Public Affairs

Sarah Kristin Dreier named Legislative Representative for International Issues for Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

In an innovative move of sharing resources, The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) have jointly named Sarah Kristin Dreier as Legislative Representative for International Issues for both denominations.

“The appointment of Sarah Dreier to jointly serve the advocacy offices of the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America marks an important ecumenical milestone in the life of full communion between the two churches,” noted Alexander D. Baumgarten, Episcopal Church Director of Government Relations. “Common mission has always been the aim of full communion, and the joint appointment of a staff person will strengthen each church by allowing it to share the perspectives and gifts of the other church more concretely in our witness in Washington.”

“I am really pleased with the opportunity to work more closely with our Episcopal counterparts,” noted the Rev. Andrew Genszler, ELCA director for advocacy, Washington, D.C. “We know that the shape of effective faith-based advocacy has changed from resting on principle to the marshaling and representation of global relationships, ministries and commitments in the public square to speak for policy change. The witness of both church bodies in this way will be all the more credible for their combined representation, and I know Sarah will do a great job bringing us toward this new horizon.”

As Legislative Representative for International Issues, Dreier will serve jointly on the staffs of both the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and the ELCA Washington Office, and will be responsible for the federal legislative and policy advocacy of both churches on U.S. foreign policy and international issues, representing the shared positions of the churches to Congress and the Administration; conducting legislative research and analysis; producing legislative correspondence and communications; and building and leading advocacy coalitions.

Dreier has worked for the Center for American Progress in Washington DC, the American Bar Foundation in Chicago IL, and the ELCA churchwide office, also in Chicago. The Christian Science Monitor is among the publications that have published her works.

Dreier is a graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston IL with a bachelors degree in philosophy and legal studies, and masters from the University of the Basque Country in Onati, Spain. She studies political science at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Dreier began her new post on July 5.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA):
The Episcopal Church:

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For more info contact:
Neva Rae Fox
Public Affairs Officer
The Episcopal Church
212-716-6080 Mobile: 917-478-5659

Categories: Public Affairs