The Office of Public Affairs

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Resources in three languages now available to observe Episcopal Church World Mission Sunday on March 6

February 14, 2011
Office of Public Affairs

“Lord, it is good for us to be here.”

Resources in three languages are now available to observe 2011 World Mission Sunday, focusing on the contributions and needs of Episcopal Church missionaries and their ministries around the world.

World Mission Sunday, always observed the last Sunday after Epiphany, will be observed March 6. The annual observation was designated to increase awareness of, and participation in, the wider global mission of the Episcopal Church.

The theme for 2011 World Mission Sunday is “Lord, it is good for us to be here,” from the March 6 Gospel reading of Matthew 17:1-9.

The Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer, explained there are over 60 missionaries currently serving in 25 countries as teachers, medical professionals, clergy, and other important capacities.

“They are recent college graduates and established professionals who have answered God’s call to go and be in the midst of their brothers and sisters in another part of the world,” Copley said.  “We are thankful for their presence and witness.”

Copley pointed out that World Mission Sunday is an ideal opportunity to connect local congregations and parishioners with the wider church and its international work.  “You can learn about our missionaries – who they are, where they are, and what their ministries entail,” he noted. “Sharing stories of Episcopal missionaries is another way of getting involved in our worldwide mission efforts.”

World Mission Sunday is an ideal focus for Sunday School lessons, adult education, discussions and forums, prayers of the people and other events in the life of a congregation and diocese.

Resources for World Mission Sunday, available in Spanish and French, are here and include bulletin inserts; suggested sermons; list of all current serving missionaries with their profile, photos, e-mails/blog addresses; ways to Encourage Global Mission; suggested reading; and info on serving as a missionary.

For more information contact Copley at

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations.  The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

World Mission Sunday: