Registration open for United Thank Offering’s 2022 Great EpisGOpal Virtual Race

On the heels of a highly successful inaugural year, the United Thank Offering’s Great EpisGOpal Virtual Race returns Nov. 5-14, with multiple ways to participate and raise funds to support special ministries and missions.

Last year’s race raised more than $21,500, which funded COVID-19 relief grants and supported an Episcopal camp in South Dakota. This year’s proceeds will help fund creation care grants and support Sawyerville, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama that provides free programs, mentoring and scholarships for children and youth in Hale County.

“The race offers a great opportunity to join together in gratitude for our bodies while also raising funds that make a lasting impact,” said the Rev. Heather Melton, staff officer for United Thank Offering. “The race options are limitless—run, bike, swim, hike, paddle board, martial arts—whatever feels good to you.”

Participants can register online for $30, choosing their preferred mode, distance, and type of race, including “choose your own adventure.” They can also create a team by inviting others to race, and challenge other teams to see who can go the farthest or raise the most money.

Race participants also have the option to buy a United Thank Offering suncatcher from Blenko Glass Company as a race medal for $15. Those who raise $100 will receive a free suncatcher.

About United Thank Offering Every penny given to the United Thank Offering is distributed annually in grant funding to missions and ministries seeking to live Jesus’ way of love. More than $140 million has been awarded to more than 5,300 projects since UTO began in 1880, supporting staff positions, conferences, creation of educational resources, building projects, and much more. Learn more about UTO at