The Office of Public Affairs

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Register now to exhibit at The Episcopal Church’s 81st General Convention

July 18, 2023
Office of Public Affairs

Registration for exhibit space at the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church is now open to all organizations and vendors. Traditionally held every three years, this churchwide gathering is scheduled for June 23-28, 2024, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

General Convention is the largest gathering of Episcopalians from across the church, domestically and abroad. This will be the church’s first exhibit show since 2018. The exhibit area is designated as a marketplace and educational center for deputies, bishops, clergy, and lay people from around the world, with thousands expected to pass through.

The exhibit area will open at 12 p.m. ET Friday, June 21, and run daily through 2 p.m. ET Thursday, June 27.

Find more information, including a registration link, online. Discounted rates may be available to groups affiliated with The Episcopal Church and for other nonprofit organizations.

Learn more about the 81st General Convention.