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Provincial and Episcopal delegates named for March 2017 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

November 11, 2016
Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has named the provincial delegate and churchwide delegates to represent the Episcopal Church at the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) in New York City, NY, March 13-24, 2017.

The provincial delegate and the churchwide delegates will be able to attend the official UNCSW proceedings at the United Nations and will represent the Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion in their advocacy at the UN, including joint advocacy with the group Ecumenical Women.

The delegates named by Presiding Bishop Curry are: Jennifer Allen, Diocese of Kansas; Delores Alleyne, Diocese of Connecticut; Damaris De Jesús Carrasquillo, Diocese of Puerto Rico; Dr. Elayne Gallagher, Diocese of Colorado; Katherine Gould, Diocese of Southeast Florida; Pragedes Coromoto Jimenez de Salazar, Diocese of Venezuela; the Rev. Yein Esther Kim, Diocese of Los Angeles; Kirsten Lee, Diocese of Kansas; the Rev. Irene E. Maliaman, Diocese of Hawaii; Emma Palmer, Diocese of Oklahoma; Karma Quick-Panwala, Diocese of California; Thomasina Rogers, Diocese of Washington; Rebecca Rosen, Diocese of Michigan; Dr. Lupe Ayllon Ruiz, Diocese of Central Florida; Charlene Rusnak, Diocese of Virginia; Angela Smith, Diocese of Western Kansas; and Sandra Squires, Diocese of Nebraska.

Presiding Bishop’s staff members attending are: Lynnaia Main, Episcopal Church Global Relations Officer; Rachel McDaniel, Julia Chester Emery United Thank Offering intern; and the Rev. Glenda McQueen, Staff Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Presiding Bishop Curry named Erin Morey of the Diocese of Pittsburgh as the Episcopal Church provincial delegate to the Anglican Communion delegation.

The 2017 UNCSW Priority Theme is “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work.” See more here

For more information Lynnaia Main